Friday 10 July 2015

100 Cols Day 27 Briancon to Lanslevillard 117kms 2600m climbing

Just as on our last cycling day the weather was very kind to us this morning. A cool breeze with a sunny outlook meant that we had a comfortable and very scenic ride to the Col du Galibier which reaches just over 2500m in altitude. Before starting on the final 6km climb to the Galibier we had to reach the Col du Lautaret, a relatively easy climb at 3-4% grade. The the fun begins as the road to the Galibier steepens. Riding past the Henri Desgrange memorial (The “Father” of the TDF) in the final kilometre adds a bit of history to this ride. The descent from Galibier on the northern side through Valloire, is very steep and fast, so you have to watch carefully for cars and motorbikes regularly coming up in the other direction.
After passing the lunchstop, I took a waffle and coffee in Valliore and then headed to the Col de Telegraph (where lunch was supposed to be). No probs though, as I met a couple of other Aussie rides (Jamie and Mark) and we found a great little bar/restaurant in Ste. Michel-de-Maurienne and ordered hamburger and chips. After joining them for a 10km section along the Vanoise river valley, I had a soft drink (yes alright, a coke!) with three USA riders, Cindy Jeff and Thom, then we headed off towards camp approx. 20 kms along.
This final section of the ride over the Cote de Rossanges and Cote de Termignon was very pretty with a spectacular view of the Fort on the cliffs near Modane. Finally reaching Lanslebourg Mont Cenis, I was coaxed into a Creperie by Rob and Greg. Yes, only 2km from camp, and there I am drinking more coffee and eating icecreams!
The campsite at Lanslevillard doesn’t offer much shade, however the facilities here are good and the WiFi seems to work well.
Tomorrow the highest paved mountain pass in the Alpes (Col de l’Iseran). Garmin link here
Villar-Saint-Pancrace Cycling by peterjkemp at Garmin Connect - Details
Vanoise Valley climbing to Col du Galibier from Jausiers
Desgrange memorial and the climb from Vanoise
beautiful private garden St Jean de Maurienne
Col du Telegraph
en route to Lanslevillard
Col du Lautaret
Desgrange Memorial
Keith and Eddy
en route to Lanslevillard
Cindy Tom and Jeff
en route to Lanslevillard
St Jean de Maurienne

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